November 05, 2012

November 5, 2012, Night Prayer

Examination of Conscience

Mother Foundress said that [we should never] forget that the only things that matter here on earth are the things that will lead us to heaven, and that all events, whether sad or joyful, must serve to bring us there.


As another day ends, let us yet again thank God for all His wondrous blessings: the restful night and the beautiful morning that ensued; the Eucharist we partake and His enriching Words; our modular class this day and the new friends that we met.

Let us praise and thank the Lord for all these and His many other gifts today.

Let us thank Him for His faithful love and guidance.


Let us likewise humbly accept our failings of this day: our uncharitable thoughts, words and actions towards ourselves and our neighbour. Let us ask the Lord for pardon for our shortcomings in responding to His graces and for our lack of compassion and gratitude.


Trusting in the Lord’s immeasurable mercy and forgiveness, let us pray:

Lord Jesus, you opened the eyes of the blind, healed the sick, forgave the sinful woman, and after Peter’s denial confirmed him in your love.
Listen to my prayer: forgive all my sins, renew your love in my heart, help me to live in perfect unity with my fellow Christians that I may proclaim your saving power to all the world.

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